

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) is a general English language proficiency test . Paragon Testing Enterprises, a subsidiary of the University of British Columbia manages CELPIP.


It incorporates Canadian English and accents. It is fully computer delivered, providing test takers the opportunity to complete all test components in one test sitting, with no additional appointments or interviews.

There are two versions of the Test:

CELPIP-General Test: It assesses functional Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking skills. It is about 3 hours test.


CELPIP-General LS Test. It assesses functional Listening and Speaking proficiency. It is about 1 hour and 10 minutes test.

Listening* Reading* Writing US Speaking Us
47-55 minutes 55-60 minutes 53-60minutes 15-20 minutes

*Unscored Items: The Listening and Reading Tests contain unscored items used for test development. These unscored items can be found anywhere within each test and will have the same format as the scored items. You will not be able to tell scored items from unscored items, so apply your best effort to the entire test.

CELPIP Test scores are available online through your CELPIP Account in 8 business days after the test date. For test takers that order Express Rating your CELPIP Test scores will be available in 3 business days after your test date. Scores can be accessed and viewed online in your CELPIP Account for a period of 2 years, from your test date.Two print copies of  CELPIP Official Score Report will be mailed to the registered address of the candidate via Canada Post.

Each component of the CELPIP-General Test and the CELPIP-General LS Test is given a CELPIP level. Below is a chart of each CELPIP level and its corresponding description. Since the CELPIP test scores have been calibrated against the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels, we have included the CLB level equivalencies for your information.

12 Advanced proficiency in workplace and community contexts 12
11 Advanced proficiency in workplace and community contexts 11
10 Highly effective proficiency in workplace and community contexts 10
9 Effective proficiency in workplace and community contexts 9
8 Good proficiency in workplace and community contexts 8
7 Adequate proficiency in workplace and community contexts 7
6 Developing proficiency in workplace and community contexts 6
5 Acquiring proficiency in workplace and community contexts 5
4 Adequate proficiency for daily life activities 4
3 Some proficiency in limited contexts 3
M Minimal proficiency or insufficient information to assess 0,1,2
NA Not Administered: test taker did not receive this test component /

The computer automatically scores the Listening and Reading Tests. Responses to the Writing and Speaking tests are scored by trained and experienced CELPIP Raters.

For more information, check www.celpip.ca

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